Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Little Fluff Never Hurt Anybody...or Did It?

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 1 Cor.13:11

Anyone who has children knows all too well that a child's way of thinking about things is far different than an adult's way of thinking. As I was going through some old pictures I came across this one of my two grandsons eating their cotton candy. It got me thinking about how many people out there are going around from church to church looking for the latest and greatest "fluff" preacher. Well, that's not what they'd tell you. That was kind of my own spin on it. What I am referring to is people going to hear preachers who will tell them what they want to hear. No stepping on their toes kind of preaching. And don't dare say anything that doesn't make them feel good. Give them a sweet gooey message and life is all good. I've known people like that over the years. And they don't only do this with preachers, they do it when picking friends. I've had friends ask for my opinion on things and then cringe when I spoke what the word of God said. I was thinking, "Hey don't kill the messenger. I only spoke what God's Word said on the subject." But they were looking for a pat on the back, a condoning of their sin. I once wrote a song called "Don't Compromise" that touched on this. Here's the first verses and chorus:

Your friends may come to you
Seeking your counsel
They're lost and confused
They don't know just what to do
Well, let me give you
A little word of warning
They may just take your words
And spit them right back at you

Cause they don't really want to hear
What you've got to say
They only want you to agree
With their sinful ways
They're looking for a pat on the back,
Someone who'll say
What they're doing just isn't half bad,
In fact it's quite okay

But don't compromise
What you know to be true
Just speak the word
And let the word do the talking for you
Don't let them try to talk you into thinking their way
Just say the words you know
That God would have you say
And don't compromise

Going back to the picture...the cotton candy reminds me that kids would eat junk food all day long if you let them. It doesn't matter that it's not good for them as long as it tastes good to them. But what they don't realize is, this can make them sick. Sometimes the sickness comes pretty quickly because of too much junk food intake at one time. But there is a lack of nutrition that will also effect them in the long term if they continue on this path. This is even more detrimental to their overall health. That goes right along with what I was saying about wanting to hear only good things, things that are pleasing to the ear. If you don't receive the full counsel of God, then you will be lacking. There will be a deficiency. There has to be a balance of nutrition.

I don't deny that God gives good things to His children, but He also disciplines them when necessary. If He didn't, then you would have to wonder if that was truly love. Parents can understand this. If we never disciplined our children then they would turn out to be spoiled brats who always demanded things to be their way. They would live a life thinking "it's all about me." And that kind of thinking is contrary to God's Word.  We teach our children things like not to cross the street when cars are coming, to check the depth of water before diving, to not play with fire, etc. But it is equally important to teach them to put others above self, to serve rather than be served, to not cheat, not lie, and other things found in God's Word. That way they can grow into the adults God would have them be. And it's important for adults to learn these lessons as well. They aren't just for kids to learn. As a new believer there may be things in your life that aren't exactly how God would want them, but over the years, as you study and meditate His truths, there should be a change. There should be growth. If there isn't then something is wrong.

So, with all of that being said, let me encourage you to seek more than just a feel good message. Seek God's truths fully even if it might hurt just a bit going down. Correction is not a pleasant thing, but it will definitely produce a better person.

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