Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sometimes it's so easy to keep hidden the things we struggle with. We don't want people to think that we are bad people. We don't want to be rejected. Or perhaps the shame of our sin is too great. And in some cases, we may feel that no one can possibly understand because our situation is unique. But you know, all sin is common to man. Oh, it may be dressed up in a different package at times, but it's certainly not unique. What I've found over the years is that Satan would love nothing better than to keep you isolated from other believers by making you feel a horrendous guilt and shame. Don't get me wrong, guilt and shame have their place, but they should never come without mercy extended. If they do, you need to question where it is coming from. There is a dramatic difference in condemnation and conviction. Condemantion offers no hope, while conviction offers hope. And that hope is found in Jesus Christ and His shed blood. In Him you can find forgiveness of sin.

As humans, we often feel the need to interact with others, to be able to voice our concerns, our trials, our struggles. But as I said, we may not always want to. You may not want all of your dirty laundry aired for the world to see (or hear). I personally have a few select friends who I can confide in if I need to talk. I know that my secrets are safe with them, and that they won't become that day's gossip. I can count on those friends for moral support, for encouragement, for prayer, and for accountability. They can speak truth into my life even when I don't always want to hear it. This is exactly what the enemy would like to prevent. If you've ever felt so alone then you may know all too well how easy it is to fall into a depression when you become isolated from human interaction. And with depression can come despair. It's a pit you don't want to fall in. It's a set up for your destruction.

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