Saturday, October 20, 2012

Over the last several months I have felt a change is coming. Being that I am not one who likes change (though I know it is often necessary), I have sought out the familiar and the comfortable in some last ditch effortt to control what's happening. There's an old saying, "you can never go back," and over the years I have found this to be true. No matter how much I may want things to be like they once were, it's just not going to happen. It's kind of like being adrift at sea, hanging onto a life preserver for dear life and wishing that someone would rescue you or that you'd make it to shore safe and sound. No matter how hard you try to steer your course, the wind and waves seem to overpower you and take you wherever they see fit. And you can only hold on for dear life, praying for God to help you make it out alive.

I realize that God is in control of my situation. He knows my every need. And even though I may try to paddle against the current at times, ultimately, he will direct my path. He is in control. So why do I make it so hard? Why do I stress about it? Why can't I just lay it at his feet and leave it there? I need peace, and that only comes when I allow him to guide me without resistance. I know this. I have experienced this.

Years ago I had this friend who was going through some pretty difficult stuff. In the midst of it he remained as he always had been. He didn't seem stressed or strained by it. He didn't moan and complain. If you didn't know what he was going through, you wouldn't have known anything was wrong. That's how I want to be. It shows a total and complete trust in God.

My prayer today is that God would help me to trust him completely, and that in the process of waiting I would find peace in him.

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