Monday, March 7, 2011

Unshakable Faith

Yesterday's message at church was entitled, "Unshakable Faith." As one might guess, the scripture passage was found in Hebrews 11, the faith chapter. So many times we think about all the marvelous things these incredible men of God did, but we fail to remember that their walk wasn't always one of ease and comfort. They faced adversity. Yet they endured these things and remained faithful in the process.

There are many preachers out there who think that all Christians should be prosperous and shouldn't have to face trials. But is this a scriptural viewpoint? In Hebrews 11:33-35 we see all the great things about faith...through faith kingdoms were conquered, justice administered, some escaped the jaws of death, were strengthened and made powerful to fight battles.But then it goes on to say in 35-38 that some were tortured and refused to be released, faced jeers and flogging, chained and put in prison, stoned, sawed in two, put to death by the sword, they went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated, wandering about in desserts, caves and mountains, and holes in the ground. Now, does this seem like the glamorous life of faith we often hear portrayed in pulpits across America? Our lives may not always be these wonderful bed of roses where everything comes up smelling sweet and looking beautiful. We will face trials. But if we have that unshakable faith, we can endure even through trying circumstances, knowing that God is there in the midst of it all. We may not always know why we are going through these things, but we can rest assured that God still has a plan and we still have His promise of a better life to come. God is not a man that He should lie so we can stand strong as we trust Him to fulfill all that he has promised.


  1. I wholeheartedly agree that a life without trials, is not an authentic one. It's so sad when Christians don't give others permission to experience the natural experiences of life, that include times of struggle, grieving, sadness, perhaps depression, anxiety, pain. God is still with us in all those experiences & He understands. I think we would help others more if we allowed people to be real.

  2. Amen! I traveled to Ethiopia last January and meet some amazing believers. Their faith moved me, deeply! Yet, they have nothing. Their daily struggle for food and clean water is unimaginable to this American. It really made the "trials" that I think I face in my American life a real joke! I am amazed at churches/pastors that preach a prosperity gospel. It is SO unbiblical.
