Thursday, June 9, 2011


I am needing to lose weight. Some days I wonder how I can get motivated to do that. I am not really the diet type. I don't usually like healthy foods. Many of my friends are losing weight and to be honest, I am a little envious. Most of these people are on a low cal diet that requires they eat certain foods. And, as you can guess, I don't like most of those foods. As I read their weight loss and see their posts about what exercises they've done, it does motivate me however. I may not be able to do what they are doing, but I am able to do something. So I have tried to incorporate more healthy foods into my menu, and add some exercise. I may not get the rapid results they do, but if I can keep it up, I will hopefully get some results. If not weight loss, at least I'll be a more healthy me. And that is what's important.

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