Sunday, May 29, 2011

When Someone Is Hurting

I watched two of my grandsons last night and I was asking the youngest (2 years old) if he wanted me to rock him because he was getting sleepy. Of course, he said no. It was then that my 5 year old grandson looked at me, and with tears in his eyes he told me, "My mama had to rock me because my heart was broken." More tears started rolling down his cheek. I asked what happened. He told me that his hamster had died. It reminded me of the many pets I've had over the years and just how heartbroken I was when they died. As a child I wasn't the most liked person, so pets were like my very best friends. They didn't expect me to be cool or rich or smart or funny or anything that the peers around me expected. They loved me unconditionally. And that love helped me endure the trials I went through. So I knew all too well how my grandson felt, and I sympathized with him. I gave him a hug and let him climb up in my lap and I rocked him as he gently wept. But you know, there are many parents and grandparents out there who might not have thought this was a big deal. I've heard people tell their kids stupid things; things that didn't help heal the hurt. Their words were unsympathetic. Perhaps they were even things that would cause the child to be less compassionate when they grew up. When hearts are hurting we need to show a little compassion. It may not seem like a big deal to us, but to the one hurting, it is a very big deal. And they need to know you care. It shows the heart of the Father. When we hurt, He hurts. And we're to be imitators of Him. If our brother or sister in Christ is hurting, show a little love. If you don't know what to say, just offer a shoulder to cry on. Listen as they speak. You don't have to pretend to know how to respond. Flippant statements often do nothing to help ease their pain. Just as I held my grandson, you too can just hug the one whose hurting. It can't erase the pain, but it can show you care about what they're going through.

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