Sunday, January 8, 2012

Attack or Opportunity?

A few days ago I felt led to post some of the music I wrote years ago on my youtube site. I really didn't think I'd receive any bad feedback since most of the people who would be listening to it were my friends or those who are in a Christian group I am a part of.  Imagine my surprise when I received negative comments on one of the songs. Now, it wouldn't bother me if they didn't like my voice or the style of music. People have different styles and tastes, and I think that I would be okay with that. I don't profess to be some amazing singer who will make your jaw drop the moment I open my mouth to sing. But the negative comments weren't about my voice. They were directed more at the lyrics. Okay, so I could take a little criticism of lyrics. I mean, like I said earlier, people have different styles and tastes. But this attack became something directed at me. I was called self righteous and an idol worshipper. I felt hurt and offended. And what hurt the most was that it came from someone I assumed was a Christian. As I thought about it I realized that any time we do something to promote God and His message, we can expect that we will face opposition. And sometimes that opposition will come from those who you would think were on the same team. I've seen it many times before. And you know, there's nothing new about it. If you think about Jesus and His encounters with the religious leaders of the day you see that they didn't like His message either. They rejected Him even though they should have known better than anyone that He was the promised Messiah. They questioned Him and tried to trap Him into speaking the wrong thing. Ahh...which makes me think...."could this be a trap?" My guess would be that it is not only a trap, but an opportunity. And that makes me smile. I have been praying for God to give me opportunity and here it is. An opportunity to not be offended, to walk in love and to not lash out in anger. It's funny because I was having this conversation the other day about how easy it is for me to speak before I think. And this might have been one of those times if I had fallen into the trap. But thank God I didn't.

Having said all of this, let me say that for the past week I have really been seeking to spend more time in God's word, in His presence, praying and worshipping. My desire is to develop an even closer relationship and to be able to hear His voice more clearly, discerning what is and isn't of Him. So this shouldn't surprise me. But I will not be moved. And I will continue to do those things I believe God is asking of me. Yes, there will be opposition and trials. In those trials I will choose to rejoice. I must be doing something right if someone is trying to put a stop to it....


1 comment:

  1. Good Word Jan! I am sorry that the person reacted the way that they did, but you are right, we will face this and do so much of the time. I used to be surprised by who would say such things, but have come to learn that it is usually those who I would least expect. The best thing we can do is to stay close to God and in His Word, that way we will be strengthened and ready and will react in love and not anger. I am proud of you hon. Love you.
