Saturday, April 7, 2012

I recently went to the beach with one of my 6 year old grandsons, Jacob. He kept begging me to go to the water with him so he could jump waves. So like the doting Nene that I am, I went out with him. Once we got there he was having a blast jumping over the waves. When a big one came along I jumped over it and suddenly Jacob screamed with glee, "Welcome to my world Nene!" It really tickled him that I would jump the wave. As we walked back to shore he said to me, "Now, we're going back to your side of the world."  This got me thinking how sometimes it's so easy to sit on the sidelines as we watch that exciting and unpredictable life pass us by. We choose safety over adventure and then wonder why we find life dull and boring. Seems like all of my life I have been afraid of the unknown. I was never one to take risks. I think a lot of that stems from my dad leaving us when I was a child. I always felt out of control regarding the situation and the events in my life that came as a result of it. I felt unstable. Kind of like that sand beneath your feet as the waves crash in and go out. You know how the sand oozes between your toes and the ground starts moving under your feet giving you that unsteady feeling. Anyway, looking back, I can see that stability isn't always what it's cracked up to be. Yes, there's a place for it. But how exactly does that work in conjunction with faith? Faith will bring with it uncertainties. When we fully surrender our will to God's, then there's a big chance he will ask us to do something that we don't feel comfortable with. It will mean we have to step out when we don't know for sure where our foot will land. We might even get knocked down by a wave here and there. But we can trust that God is right there with us, catching us, and helping us along the journey. But you know, with all the uncertainties, there are those things we can be sure of. God loves us and he will never leave us nor forsake us. He will be there through thick and thin. So no matter what happens in this life, we can trust that will never change no matter what circumstances come our way.

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