Saturday, January 15, 2011

Because of Ezra

Many months ago I received a prayer request for a little boy (Ezra Matthews) who was battling a deadly cancer. I followed the posts, hoping to see that he was improving, that he had been healed. I prayed for this boy. I prayed for his family. Their story deeply touched my heart. In November, he passed away. It was sad.
As I was reading the blog about Ezra's passing these were the last words of that particular post...

Please, be changed because of this. Recognize the flawed world we live in, and work to help the ones you can. Really work. Recognize the hurt in the world, and recognize the grace that gives us a chance to still be beautiful.
2 Timothy 4:6-8 “For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing.”

I sat there thinking, "How can anyone who has read these blogs not be changed by this?" This is a story of faith, determination and courage in seemingly impossible situations. My heart ached when I read Ezra had passed, and yet, I didn't even know him. But what I do know is that a child suffered. And that hurts. And now his parents suffer. And that hurts. If there were anything I could do to ease their pain, surely I would do it. But you know, the only thing we can do is move forward and be changed as a result...changed enough to take action. Changed enough to seek a cure for a cancer that has taken this child's life. We strive so hard to end Breast Cancer (and that is's another passion of mine), but there are so many other things out there that we have no idea about. I had never even heard of neuroblastoma before reading this blog ( Any time a child suffers, I suffer with them, whether it's from illness, abuse, lack of food, etc. I can't end all of the world's problems, but I can do some little something to help. And I can spread the word. Maybe I don't have millions to give to the cause, but if I give $10 and you give $10 and someone else gives $10 and so on, then that will add up. Okay, so maybe you have no money to give. How about some time? Can you volunteer? Can you spread the word via internet? Can you blog about it? Maybe arrange a fundraiser? Sew a craft to give to a child? There are many ways we can participate in helping a cause. Be creative and find a way that you can help.

This family has created an organization called Because of Ezra (  Their tragedy has spurred them on to help other families like theirs, to help other children. This amazes me. Please take time to visit both sites. Read the older posts and you will see what this family went through.

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