Monday, January 10, 2011

Trusting God for the Impossible

This year has already started off bad for me and my family. I have questions. My son has questions. Why would God allow greedy people to steal from my son when he has done nothing but be good to people (even to those who are attempting to sue him for $400,000)? What about reaping what you sow? I just don't understand it. But you know, I trust God has a plan in all of this mayhem. I do pray that it won't cost my son his home...and I pray that those who are trying to hoodwink him out of money because of their greed will be exposed and that justice and truth will prevail. Where fraud is, let it be revealed. Where slander is, let it be silenced. If abuse plays a role in this (as some believe), give the one suing the courage to put a stop to it (the abuse and the lawsuit). I have to believe that God won't allow this to proceed. So my prayers today and in the days ahead will revolve around this situation. God can do the impossible. And right now, this looks to be an impossible situation; one that my family might never recover from.

Oh Lord, hear my prayer..

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