Sunday, November 28, 2010

Awesome God

Awesome God

Your voice is
The voice that
Commanded the universe to be
Your voice is
The voice that
Is speaking words of love to me
How can it be

Awesome God
Holy God
I worship You in wonder
Awesome God
Holy God
As You draw near I'm humbled
By Your majesty
And the mystery of Your great love for me

Your arms are
The arms that
Hung shining stars in deepest space
Your arms are
The arms that
Surround me with a warm embrace
Amazing grace

Awesome God
Holy God
I worship You in wonder
Awesome God
Holy God
As You draw near I'm humbled
By Your majesty
And the mystery of Your great love for me

This song reminds me of how awesome God really is. The same God who created the universe, the same God that speaks things into existence, is the God that now resides in me. He's the same God that loved (and still loves) me when I didn't even deserve it. He embraces me and showers me with love. Wow! Hard to fathom that, isn't it? Romans 5:8 says: "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Yep, we did nothing to deserve it. and I find that pretty incredible. I can't see me dying for someone who is my enemy. Can you? But that is exactly what Jesus did.  And I am so grateful that He did because even though I didn't always see my need for a Savior, I needed a Savior. And I still need one. Every day I need one. I am human, and it is only by His shed blood that I can be counted as righteous. Not because of anything I've done or will do. He is an amazing awesome God...a God like no other.

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