Sunday, November 7, 2010

Transparency & Praising in the Trials

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16

This morning I was reading this verse and I had a sudden thought about transparency. So many times people assume that being transparent is merely saying that we should be quick to let people see that we have struggles, flaws and weaknesses. While this may be true to some degree, and at some times, it got me thinking about how as Christians, we are called to be imitators of Christ. This means that we should be showing God's power and awesomeness in the midst of our trials just as Christ did. He faced seemingly impossible circumstances, yet His trust in the Father never wavered. And in those times of intense temptation He still spoke the word of God. So what does that have to do with transparency? It seems to me that when we are facing difficult times what is on the inside of us will rise to the surface and that is what people will see shining through.
As my pastor was speaking this morning he mentioned praising even in the hard times. Something he said triggered my memory of my cousin and how she always praised no matter how she felt or what the doctors said about her condition. She battled cancer for several years and she always trusted God even when things were at their bleakest. There was a song she loved so much. It is called, "Yet I Will Praise" and here are the lyrics:

I will praise You Lord my God
Even in my brokenness
I will praise You Lord
I will praise You Lord my God
Even in my desperation
I will praise You Lord

And I can't understand
All that You allow
I just can't see the reason
But my life is in Your hands
And though I cannot see You
I choose to trust You

Even when my heart is torn I will praise (trust) You Lord
Even when I feel deserted I will praise (trust) You Lord
Even in my darkest valley I will praise (trust) You Lord
And when my world is shattered and it seems all hope is gone
Yet I will praise You Lord

I will trust You Lord my God
Even in my loneliness
I will trust You Lord
I will trust You Lord my God
Even when I cannot hear You
I will trust You Lord

And I will not forget
That You hung on a cross
Lord You bled and died for me
And if I have to suffer
I know that You've been there
And I know that You're here now

The reason that Marie could praise in the midst of her struggle was because she had an intimate relationship with God. She studied the word, and as a result, her mind (thinking) had been transformed by it. It was as much a part of who she was as the blood that coarsed through her veins. And when the pressure was on, she became transparent...showing, not only the trials she was facing, but the God she was trusting. Anyone who knew her well knew what she was going through, but if asked about her they always mentioned that her faith was what kept her going strong.
On one particlar occasion Marie and I had a long conversation about her situation. As she spoke I began writing down things she said to me. I then wrote a song using her own expressions. I always called it "Marie's Song" even though it never once mentioned her name. Here are her thoughts expressed in song:

There have been days when I have questioned
Lord, why is this happening to me
And there have been days when I've been broken
Crying before You on my knees

There are days when I've clearly seen Your hand
Working all around me
Laying in place all of my life's circumstance
And molding me into who I should be

Some say that I'm strong, in my strength I should make it through
But Lord I don't see it quite their way
For I know that all of my strength comes from You
And that is why to You I pray

Help me, Lord, to wait patiently
And help me place my trust in You
And give me the faith that it takes to believe
That even my pain brings glory to You

In the first line it says, there have been days when I have questioned. But do you know what she questioned? She questioned her own sin. Had she done anything to bring this on herself? If she had sin in her life that may have caused this, she wanted to deal with that sin. Her questioning was a self examination. Her brokenness was a complete surrender to the will of God. She would tell anyone who'd listen all the things God had done for her even in the midst of the battle. She didn't focus on the bad that was happening, but rather, on the glory God was gonna get because of how He had worked in the situations of her life. She knew that God was more than capable of healing if that was what He chose to do. And she also knew that no matter what happened she wanted Him to get glory...even in her suffering. Marie was a unique woman, loved by many. She was kooky and a lot of fun to be around. She'd give you the shirt off her back and help anyone who had a need. But more than any other quality she possessed, her love for God was the most visible thing in her life.

1 comment:

  1. That was an amazing story and message Jan. Thank you so much for sharing. I know that Marie lives on in your heart and it shows how much of an impact she had on those around her. Thank you for sharing those two songs. They really blessed me. You are a blessing to me.
