Thursday, November 18, 2010

Confession Time

I have a confession to make. I have not been as diligent in my study of the Word as I should be. Not that I have to follow some legalistic rules about how much I read my Bible. But you know, sometimes you just know that what you're doing isn't enough. I mean, here I am in the most free country in the world, with every resource imagineable at my disposal, and yet, I waste much of my time doing other things; things that will in no way transform me into the image of Christ. I want to know God intimately, and that intimacy doesn't come without quality time spent in the Word and in prayer. Only as my mind is renewed will the Christ in me be reflected to a lost and dying world. And those things that often come too easily, like lashing out in anger when someone hurts me, will become a thing of the past. I will instead learn to bless those who curse me. I will pray for those who persecute me. I will repay evil with good. I will speak less, listen more. I will be more willing to give than receive. There's a vast array of knowledge contained within the pages of scripture. A wealth of information about how to live life according to God's thinking. And that is what I want. To lay aside the desires of Jan, and seek to do what pleases the Father. Sometimes that isn't always easy. In fact, I'd venture to say, most times it isn't easy. If it were, everyone would be doing it, right?

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