Saturday, December 18, 2010

Being Busy Doesn't Mean We Should Forget the Reason For the Season

I was thinking about the season and how people often get so caught up in the shopping, the decorating and parties and such that they forget to take a moment to just breathe....not that literal breathing that we have to do in order to live, but breathing in the beauty of the season and taking time to focus on what it's all about....Jesus. It's not about Santa or presents. It's not about some holiday meal or family gathering. It's not about work parties and parades. I'm not saying that these are a bad thing necessarily, but they're not the MAIN thing...Jesus was born into this world in order that we might live. There is no greater gift. And we need to remain focused on that even in our busyness.

This year I've had to cut back on the gift giving. It hurts a little, but financially it's not feasible for me to give to every person in the family, especially since our income has dwindled (health insuarance costs have skyrocketed, but with pre-existing conditions we have to keep what we have) and our costs of living (gas, food, electricity, etc.) have increased (and we get NO raise for at least another 3 years). It's times like these that make it all the more clear though that the celebration isn't about what we give or's about what we got already...When I was a child I was raised by a mother who had no job other than cleaning the church once a week...That only paid her about $6.50 week and even in less costly times it was not enough to support 3 children. We did without a lot...even the basic necessities. If it hadn't been for grandparents stepping in to help feed us on occasion I don't know what we would have done. My mama was too proud to get food stamps. She felt like there were people worse off than us (though I couldn't fathom that anyone was worse off at the time). So I know what it's like not to get gifts. The hard part for me in my current situation is not about what gifts I won't's about those gifts I can't give. I love to give. But you know, I don't have to spend money to do that. I can give of my time. I can give of my talents (whatever that may be). I can do those random acts of kindness you read about all the time. It doesn't take much to make someone smile. And in the doing, I can show the love of Jesus. And that's what it's all about. There are people out there suffering. They are without hope. But Jesus offers them hope. He offers them eternal life. That's life long after the life we're living now. Sure, we may be facing tough times and circumstances, but isn't it incredible to know that these things are only temporary?

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