Monday, December 20, 2010

Memories & Giving

I was thinking about my Grandma today. She's been dead for many years now, but as I was longing for a simpler Christmas, my mind wandered back in time. My Grandma was a godly woman; a woman whose primary goal in life was to share Jesus with anyone and everyone who would listen. Sometimes even to those who didn't want to listen. Grandma never met a stranger so she'd talk to anyone. Each year as Christmas rolled around our family would have their yearly get together at Grandma's house. I can still picture her sitting there in her rocking chair listening as each of us children read our assigned story or scipture. Every aspect of the celebration revolved around the real reason we were celebrating. It wasn't about Santa Claus and the gifts. It wasn't about holiday food and hanging out with family and friends. It was about JESUS. Grandma had passion. And she wasn't afraid to say what was on her mind. Yes, we got gifts, but let me assure you, those were always low on the totem pole as to why we were there. Grandma was leaving a legacy. That legacy had to do with giving....God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.

This year has been a really difficult year for me. Financially, we're worse off than we've been in years. So that translates to less giving. Being a giver, this is hard for me to handle. I want to give. But then I have to question if perhaps part of it isn't a pride thing....I mean, it felt good to give. It made me seem like I was some sort of savior or something...well, not really a savior, but someone who swooped in and helped the less fortunate and walked away with a smile on my face and a gooey feeling in my heart. And now for me to feel less fortunate, it puts a wrinkle in things. I'm really not less fortunate in comparison to those around the world or even in my own country. I am blessed beyond measure. I have what I need. I have food, shelter, clean water. And even though I may have some health issues, I also have access to medical care. Lots of people don't have that luxury. And I have the freedom to worship God. Wow! So I question, "Is it wrong for me to feel good about giving?" No, it's not wrong. But I can't allow my giving to be contingent on some feeling. Sometimes people aren't so appreciative when you give. They may not give you that nice cozy feeling. And then what? Are you sorry you gave? I am reminded of a's a true story and it happened to me....

Years ago I was working in a church office when a man came to the door wanting money. In my gut I knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that this man was a con. Call  it instinct or discernment or whatever you like. All I know is I knew he was trying to pull the wool over my eyes. As he stood there talking his talk, I was thinking, "he's a con...there ain't no way I'm giving him money." But then I heard this still small voice tell me to give him money. I'm thinking, "Huh? What you talking 'bout God? You know he's a con." And then the voice spoke again and said, "It's not about whether he's a con or not. It's about whether you'll obey or not." Ouch. That stung just a little. My whole life I had been prideful about not letting people fool me. And here I was in the midst of a dilemma...would I give the money and let the man think he had fooled me? Or would I obey God? I chose the latter. I gave the man the money. As I handed it to him he looked at me and said, "I know you think I'm a con." I told him, "It doesn't matter what I think about you...I am giving you this money out of obedience to God."

Okay, so I got sidetracked there. This is kind of two stories, isn't it? One about sharing Jesus and remembering the whole reason we celebrate Christmas. The other about giving with pure motives and in obedience when God tells us to give. And you know, the greatest give we can give is the gift of hope that we've been given...His name is Jesus.

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