Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December 22nd...The Countdown

Here it is December 22nd...a mere 3 days (well, not even 3 considering this day is nearly over) till Christmas. And guess what. I am not through shopping. Every year I say I am going to start shopping early, but finances always prevent that from happening. And this year was no different. In fact, it's been the worst year financially for us. Being that our next check would normally be payable on December 24th, the chances are slim that I will get all that I had hoped to get. I really need to be finished by tomorrow since our family gathering is Friday and Christmas is Saturday. My children and grandchildren will be here, along with my mom and my sister. But if this holiday is anything like Thanksgiving was, we won't get our check until "after" the holiday. We're on direct deposit and the bank will be closed Friday. Yippee! You know I'm being sarcastic, right?

This year has also been the worst one as far as unity in the family. The tension between the family members makes it hard to celebrate.It depresses my mother. For the first time I heard her say that she had nothing to be thankful for. I know that's an exaggeration....but family gatherings are what make the holidays so special for her. She loves to see us all together. But what do you do? If I invite this one, that one won't come...
Years ago I prided myself on having a family that didn't hold grudges, that didn't harm one another, and if you did have any issues, you were willing to lay them aside for the holidays...those days are no more. not only is it the countdown to Christmas, it's the countdown to the New Year. I'm not sure what the future holds, but I do know that no matter what comes my way, I am gonna love the Lord, serve Him, and seek to do His will. I am not one to make a lot of resolutions, since I usually fail to keep them. But I do want to discipline myself to spend more time in the Word, and in prayer. I have to draw closer and closer to my's all that sustains me.

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