Saturday, December 4, 2010


Okay, so it's no secret that I absolutely adore my three grandsons. They are three of the most incredible little men ever and I never miss a moment to brag about what they have done that I find humorous, amazing, intelligent, etc. I think most grandparents must feel this way about their grandchildren. At least, that's how they should feel. Anyway, today I want to talk about the baby of my bunch...Bryce Evan. He is the cutest thing. Everything he does just fascinates me. For those who don't know me, let me preface this by saying that my husband is a drummer and I sing and on occasion write songs. I wish I could play guitar (I know a few chords) and piano. For some reason they have never come easy for me...I have resigned myself to being a wannabe musician. Since I can't really be what I want, it has always been my dream that one of my children would be musically inclined, and pursue it as a career choice. Really, they both are inclined toward music...they just chose not to further the dream. Both of them can play guitar and love music so I guess that will have to do. So along come the grandsons and my hope is renewed that someone will be into music. Jacob loves to play drums, but we're not talking about him today. My focus is on Bryce. He is 19 mos. old and he loves drums and guitar. The moment he walks in my door, he heads straight to the drums, picks up the sticks and proceeds to play. And he has pretty good rhythm I might add. Once he's played there for a while he goes over to my guitar and starts in..."tar, tar," he says as he points to the case. Sometimes reluctantly I open the case and pull out the guitar (I say reluctantly because at times I am busy and would much prefer not to start that since I have to watch him the entire time) . Once the guitar is out of the case he immediately says, "pick, pick." Haha. I have to laugh. It's just so darn cute. Yesterday I was letting him strum while I held the guitar and he was having a real good time. He stopped for a minute so I did a sort of syncopated rhythm and tapped the guitar, to add a drum beat. He was thrilled watching me play. His eyes grew as wide as saucers. Of course he had to try that for himself. After he did that he started tapping on the strings and I thought of that movie, "August Rush." I started singing to him and he joined in with me. And he was in tune. And to top it all off he started dancing a cute little jig. I wish I had video taped it because it was such a precious moment; one I will always remember. Well, at least I hope I always remember it. My dad has Alzheimer's so I've come to realize that you don't always have a choice in the matter. Back to Bryce. So me and my husband decide to take the three boys to the local Christmas concert. For the most part, they weren't super interested in the show...up until Bryce spotted the guitar on stage. He wanted that guitar in a bad way. He kept pointing at it and telling me, "tar, tar." I jokingly told my son today that I was gonna nickname him tarbaby.
On Saturday morning I took Bryce and Jeremiah to the Christmas parade. Bryce loves motorcycles as much as he loves music and was enthralled as they rode round and round in front of him. "Vroom, Vroom." Ah...but here comes a drum....yep, he was loving that just as much, if not more. All this to say, "my grandson is a music lover and it is my hope that he continues to love it throughout his life." Music is a comfort in times of sorrow, a joy in times of celebration. It defines moments in our past and expresses emotions we cannot always voice ourselves. Without it, this life would be a pretty dull place. While my grandsons all have different likes and interests, I still long for at least one of them to end up playing regularly. And it would be really nice if they were playing for God...:-)

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